President Uchtdorf and Elder Anderson came to Moscow on Monday and had a fantastic meeting here with the members. I sang in the Russian choir and got to sit up on the stage just right next to them. The members here in Moscow were so excited to have them come and their talks were so interesting and inspirational for the members here. Some neat things happened while they were in town. I would like to write more about one experience now but I don't think I'll do it justice because I'm so tired so I would rather wait. Just know it's a really neat story and feel warm and fuzzy about it.
Other than that this week has been another great week of touring and working. I went to one of the most beautiful services at my favorite Orthodox church the other day. My friend Jaclyn and I also got completely soaked in a terrible rain storm last night while trying to find a monastery. At least it hasn't been cold.
My Russian is all of the sudden getting a lot better this week. Don't get me wrong; I aint foolin' anyone into thinking I'm a native speaker but I'm communicating pretty well lately. It's like I just all of the sudden had this breakthrough. I've noticed that the guys in my office have stopped speaking English to me now which I take as a sign that they think my Russian has improved as they used to only speak English to me except for one who is from Ukraine and speaks only Ukrainian to me. But it's really nice; for the first time I feel fully confident and justified in calling myself tri-lingual without having to say "but" afterwards. I so wish I could stay the rest of the summer and keep working on it.
My friends and I had tickets to go to St. Pete's tomorrow but they could no longer go and I thought about just going alone but decided against it worrying that I would just spend the whole day lost and tired and without someone to laugh about it with. I'm kind of bummed about it but I've recently discovered some new things in Moscow that I would like some extra time for and I plan to return to Russia many many times for the rest of my life so there will be other opportunities. Fortunately we were able to get our money back on the tickets.
Ok I'll cut it off here. I'm safe and happy and having the time of my life. Would love to hear from you all wherever you are!
Singing in the area office for a farewell for two general authorities that are leaving soon.

AMAZING PHOTOS! I can't wait to be there!
ReplyDeleteWhat great photos. We are all jealous of you. what the heck is that you are eating. looks disgusting. Glad you are have such a wonderful experience. Can't wait to get you home and hear all the details. Looking forward to you next blog re the meeting with the brethren. Love you lots mom and dad
ReplyDeletewow it looks SO beautiful! and that's so awesome about the general authorities coming to visit while you're there!
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ReplyDeleteSo I went and did a search on "Vafly" to figure out what in the heck it is. I still don't know what it is. What I do know is that your blog was the 7th search result, you're famous if anyone ever searches for Vafly! Now tell me what in the heck it is!!!
ReplyDeleteYou know, looking at all the pictures of the places you've been makes me wish I was not so a home-body. Oh well, I'll just go home watch tv instead.
ReplyDeleteTwo things:
I love how guilty you look when caught eating Vafly (you'll have to explain to me what Vafly is when you come home)
People is Russia walk really funny. At least that's what I assume looking at the "Crappy Street Band" picture.
It looks like you are having an amazing time!! Moscow looks absolutely beautiful; I have to admit, I'm jealous. I think I'm going to sneak into Krishelle's suitcase and see if she notices...
ReplyDeleteI'm glad you're experiencing so many cool things!
Thanks for the pictures! I missed this post earlier in the week, I'll be sure to show Matthew and the other kids!