Thursday, November 12, 2015

Pictures from my Phone & Weekly Distractions

You guys. Mr. Pants is coming to sleep over at my house starting tonight for the WHOLE weekend! He is so excited and has been texting me all day. We are going to stay up all night and gossip about other dogs.

Mr. Pants is currently my most healthy relationship in my life. And no, this isn't "sad," Bob and Cathie. Hashtag love wins.

And now, your Pictures & Distractions:
With Rebecca and Skylar in NYC.

OMG! How embarrassing! Corey, Skylar, and I were candidly caught laughing in this selfie! I'm so embarrassed that it was shared in IG. Hashtag we woke up like dis. 

From Brooklyn Bridge.
The Empire State Building.

I don't exactly know how I got sucked into this with Matt and Ollie Pants but it was weird. 
Stranger Picture of the Week
Thanks Tim and Leslie. 

Crap to distract you from whatever you're supposed to be doing:

My recap of this week's exciting episode of Survivor.

Ellen's thoughts on Starbucks cups. Thanks, Paul.

Alanis Morissette updates "Ironic." Thanks, Jake.

Worst lawyer commercial ever. Thanks, Janel.

Clip-on man buns. Thanks, Krishelle.

New hoodie allows you to wear you cat wherever you go. Thanks, Krishelle.

Some beautiful places in Scotland for Harry Potter fans. Thanks, David.

Why you shouldn't say "the Ukraine." Thanks, Blaine.

Dogs who made poor choices they immediately regretted. Thanks, Bryon.

Please follow us on the Facebooks and the Instagrams.

If you would like to have something included on Pictures & Distractions, please email me at

~It Just Gets Stranger


  1. Not that we know what MAN BUNS are Cathie...oh wait...

  2. As your 11th cousin, I expect to see Matt & Ollie's Christmas cards in my mailbox in the next few weeks. #justsayin

  3. I may be permanently scarred thanks to that lawyer commercial...

  4. My sincerest prayers for anyone who hires that lawyer. They are going to need it.

  5. Is it just me or does Skylar look like a young RDJ?

  6. Love Friday posts so much. Thank you.

  7. Who is taking Ollie and Matt's picture? A Christmas angel??

  8. Are Matt and Ollie in a Pottery Barn ad?

  9. I really think you need a commercial like Brian Wilson's, Eli. But you need to choose your animal and make sure it calls out every 10 seconds. Please say you will. For the good of all mankind and Strangers everywhere.
