Sunday, December 7, 2008

Finals Are Coming: Hide Your Children!

I would appreciate it if you all called me every day or two for the next couple of weeks to make sure I'm still alive. I hereby formally and preemptively apologize if when you do call I do nothing other than drone on through slurred speech about property law and subject matter jurisdiction. I never intended to become obsessive about school but at least for the next two weeks I think I'll be letting it consume my being. As a result, I'm of course living sans a social life right now. Or maybe I'm obsessed with school because I don't have a social life. . . well, either way, things are about to get scary.

I love you all . . .


  1. We love you, too! Why hide my children? They're SURE to give you a great big shot of adrenaline. You'll soon be saying YOU'RE the one who needs to hid :-)! So, when are we going to get together?

  2. Good luck, Eli! I'm sure you'll do great :)

  3. We love you, too, Nuli! (and I'm still not sure how you spell that)

  4. Eli - do you want me to take your finals for you? Although I didn't go to law school, I'm sure that medical school isn't much have to be really smart to go through either of them. Anyway, we're thinking of you - good luck! If you want me to, I can quiz you with flash cards - Kaylee and I are really good at that! :)

  5. Eli: Good lunch (not that you will need it). Your hard work and dedication in addition to you IQ will carry you through to the end. I have complete faith in you. Dad

  6. What exactly do you think dad means when he sayas "good lunch?"

  7. "Sayas" Krishelle? If you're going to make fun of typos, you really should run your eyes over your own writing first.

    And I think dad had just eaten a very good lunch that and he just wanted to let us know.

    Sayas soale koh tosally millionsare gamil gamal yalai yalai.
