Sunday, October 21, 2007


I have been told by about seven different people (people that don't really know each other in most cases) that I look just like this cartoon character you see to the right. So I present this for you to compare. This also gives me the opportunity to finally post my serious pose (left) that Kalli took of me this summer; outside of this blog, I will probably have no other reason to ever use it.


  1. You really are twins. It disturbs me.

  2. So, I was just wondering how much disney had to pay you for a DNA sample so that they could make this little Eli-clone?

  3. I don't know. I think the one on the left is way better looking.

    1. The one on the left doesn't have a cowlick. *shrugs*

  4. Yeah, but I can't believe he would comment on his own blog.

  5. well, your ears don't stick out quite as much... but the face shape, the mischevious facial expression and the hair says it all. maybe they should hire you to be the character at disneyland... you wouldn't even need a costume! and then we could have a reason to get your autograph.

  6. oh ps. nana is nancy... normal nancy. asian nancy to be exact.

  7. I can't think of a post any more appropriate to the title of your blog. Actually, I probably could. And it would probably have something to do with you, Nancy, and some interpretive dance. Where's the camera when you need it?

  8. Eli, I love you and your freckles.

  9. Eli. Is this hair color natural? I'm a little confused...
