Well. The Strangers then came through. Swingwise, specifically, bless his little heart.
I hesitated momentarily but then went to family search and created an account so I could join the group at relativefinder.org. And it was amazing. The page shows you everyone else in the group and ranks each group member according to how closely they are related to you.
And then some of you started joining the group. Because it is really important to find out how related we all are. And we started realizing that we are ALL SUPER CLOSE FAMILY.
Then things started getting super shady. And Bob and Cathie's entire history got called into question (Krishelle is my sister).
But before this scandal could even be addressed, KRo discovered something much more important than finding out how related we all are.
And she/he wasn't wrong to not be disappointed.
I think this may have been a craft for Eli's Mom Blog's So Way Cute Craft Competition that never got submitted.
But anyway, back to being inappropriately excited about distant relations.
Then Logan jumped in and started asking the hard questions THAT NO ONE IN THIS WORLD CAN ANSWER WITHOUT AN ADVANCED ROCKET SCIENCE DEGREE. And suddenly this competition started feeling like a game of poker.
Also, every party has a pooper and that's why we invited Brandon.
Stop raining on our parade, Brandon. You're probably our emo cousin at the reunion who sits in the corner lighting his hand on fire as he occasionally glares at us with his one eye that isn't being covered up by his hair. GET A HAIRCUT BRANDON!
Fortunately swingwise returned and brought honor back to Bob and Cathie's recently tarnished names. But he also reiterated the importance of having a rocket science degree to understand anything that is going on here.
Then Suzzzz informed us that although she apparently has time to type four Zs for her name, I will not be getting a birthday card this year. And then she alerted us to the bigger issues here. Because Iceland.
Which finally brings us to something Chelsea must either explain or she should be tried for crimes against humanity.
The clock is ticking, Chelsea.
P.S. Lee did email me and informed me that he is apparently not related to any of us. So if anyone is looking to adopt, I think this may be a good opportunity.
P.P.S. If you guys are related to me it means YOU ARE ALSO RELATED TO TAMI!
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#gettinswole |
~It Just Gets Stranger
OK, so who is going to plan this family reunion? I can't decide if I want Alanna to do it, or Jolyn, or Brianne? Maybe they should form a joint committee and get to work planning and organizing this event ASAP, because it's going to be huge. I haven't been so excited to be twicely related to someone in a long long time, and am trying to figure out if that means I have to bring two items to the potluck?
ReplyDeleteI wasn't going to join, because you had already joined, so I already knew how closely related we were to Eli, but then I decided to anyway, because it's all the rage. My closest connection is you, obviously. Interestingly enough, it has you listed as "1st cousin (or sibling)." I feel like it should be able to tell we are siblings. Maybe it's a privacy living person thing going on? Oh, yeah, it looks like that is definitely what it is. It can't tell us we are siblings, because our parents are alive, and it can't give information on living people. Interesting. Hey! Our next closest relation is a fourth cousin! That's not all that far away. Shout out to Kirsten Celeste Mills!
DeleteI just feel like bursting out into song, "We are family! I got all my sisters with me!"
DeleteI finally got around to clicking on the link and watching the video he mentioned all of his cousins shared at the same time. Ha. Wow. Wow.
DeleteOnce you watch it (if you haven't already), you'll have another song to burst into. ;)
I'm waiting for my food assignment...please don't let it be potato salad or deviled eggs, I couldn't live with myself if I gave you all salmonella
ReplyDeleteTami is finally starting to look kind of pretty to me. Either this means I've been reading too much Stranger or I see her differently now that I know we're related.
ReplyDeleteI think this is my new favorite comment ever.
DeleteDon't you dare dethrone me!
DeleteMelissa W. just emailed me a link to a chart that is supposed to explain this whole mess.
Thank you--I was just about to explain how this works, but I love this chart! I think a fourth cousin once removed is closer than a fifth cousin. But I can't prove it scientifically.
DeleteThere's also this excellent video by CGP Grey:
It comes with a chart!
Well dang it.... I'm still more closely related than most though! That must make me even more responsible of the reunion.
DeleteAlso we aren't just fifth cousins once, but TWO TIMES. #themoretolove
DeleteThis is the best thing ever!! 10th cousins 4 times removed from Eli!! And super bummed that I'm not related to Lee...
ReplyDeleteThis is the best thing ever!! 10th cousins 4 times removed from Eli!! And super bummed that I'm not related to Lee...
ReplyDeleteAh, someone else that reads Stranger that actually isn't a stranger! Hi Bethany! :) I feel like I need to get on relative finder now.
DeleteI almost added that it's also MORE impressive, since it means that someone's corralled the info for us to know that we're connected back to forever and a day ago.
ReplyDeleteAnd just because I was emo four Halloweens ago does not make me the emo cousin, Eli. We all saw your Grim Reaper tramp stamp when you fell over in the potato sack race at the last 10th-cousins-only family reunion.
Ok. You win this battle. But I will not apologize for my tramp stamp.
DeleteNo one's asking you to. It's adorable.
DeleteEli! We're 10th cousins and not even removed at all!! I'll bring peanut butter bliss pie to the reunion.
ReplyDeleteWow, 10th cousins with a whole family...this is getting out of control
Deletewhen i first scrolled down the list i didn't see your name and it made me super-sad. then i realized i was looking at the wrong list.
ReplyDelete9th cousin 2 times removed! score!
ELI! We are straight-up 10th cousins with NO REMOVALS! So cool. We are related closer than I am to my husband (we are 11th cousins-this IS Utah after all).
ReplyDelete10th cousins! :) And that song is ridiculously annoying.
ReplyDelete8th cousins 6 times removed! All my friends are jealous now :)
ReplyDeleteI'm not related to anyone in the group. Still officially a Stranger.
ReplyDeleteHigh fives...you and me Molly. I only know up to my grandparents though. I'll have to call my mom and dad to go back further. Although I doubt I'll show any relations seeing as my ancestry goes from Belgium and France to Canada. And we're all Catholic in my family, no Mormon's. Not that that means anything.
DeleteOh, we're related. It's just a matter of where. My wife is my 8th cousin, 3 times removed - our common ancestor is more than 300 years back in New Amsterdam. If you have Belgium and France, then it's just a matter of time until you find the connection.
DeleteYay - I'm now officially in the not-related club! Molly and Lee and I will have our own reunion!
DeleteI think I finally figured out how to do it. I added a couple more ancestors, and boom, I can follow mine back 1000 years in England. One line I followed even held King Henry III. Sadly (or not), I am still not related to any of the Strangers.
DeleteMolly, Lee, Nicole, Please add me to the not-related reunion list!
DeleteI'm lucky in that most of my family history has been done back to the 15th century, go back far enough and you're related to everyone. I've got Catholic, Anglican, Waldensian, Evangelische, Jewish, and Mormon ancestors from all over North American and Europe. Now all the not-related Strangers have a moral imperative to do their genealogy to become related strangers. In fact I kind of want that on a t-shirt "Related Strangers"
DeleteNope, not related... One side of my family has a full family tree back to the first people to migrate to America, but on the other side of my family I have nothing (not even on my grandparents), so that might be why. AH well. I am glad to be among you fine, non-related Strangers - see you at the reunion!
DeleteYeah, not being related to anyone in the group just means we have to get you figuring out more of your family history and putting it into the associated website.
DeleteThis comment has been removed by the author.
DeleteI'm not related to anyone in the group either, but as a Catholic from Philly, I'm not surprised.
DeleteBrandon - stop trying to steal our Unrelated Thunder!
Delete"We Were Not Able to Find Any Relatives For You"... means I'm the Strangest Stranger of all!
Delete9th Cousins 1 time removed from Eli. I'm glad I've finally found a family reunion I'll be able to stomach.
ReplyDeleteOther fun facts from Relative Finder...9th Cousins 5 times removed from Joseph Smith, Brigham Young (which makes me related to Steve Young as well) and Gordon B.
Mitt Romney is 12th Cousins 1 time removed... Uncle :-)
Elvis 11th cousins
Amelia Earhart 12th cousins
Walt Disney 13th 1 time removed
Darwin is my 7th cousin 5 times removed
I'm related to 20 US presidents and Obama is my 10th cousin #ThanksObama
Also a surprising amount of men involved with the Salem Witch Trials as 3-5th cousins. (and two women). My letter to Hogwarts must have gotten lost with the Seagulls...not nearly as reliable as Owls.
DeleteDamn seagulls...
DeleteThis was so FUN! I'm your 10th cousin, no removals, which basically means I can't be removed from this blog. But also, out of the 85 members in the group, I'm related to 64 of you people!! This world is so SMALL! I should have known that something rad like this would only happen on your blog because we are, in fact, the coolest people. It's in our DNA....which we all apparently share. Thanks so much! I will be ignoring my children for the afternoon while I look up other amazing people I just realized I'm related to like Abigail Adams, Benjamin Franklin, etc. I've never commented before, but seeing as we're family...it's my obligation :)
ReplyDeleteI'm currently not related to anyone :(
ReplyDelete8th cousins once removed, with a common ancestor in the 1700s. So cool to "see"! Super bummed to be related to Lee, but it sounds like he's got plenty of adoption offers ;)
ReplyDeleteTo all you Strangers out there, I am more than happy to help you with your genealogy. I do it for a hobby (if I could earn as much as I do as an engineer, I'd do it for a living, but my kids demand weird things, like food) and love helping people. swingwise@gmail.com and I am happy to help. You can see some of my family history work at swingwise.net.
ReplyDeleteThat's really nice of you swingwise, family history has just going from a hobby to a full-time second job, good luck!
DeleteBring it on. When I first got into it, I started staying up until 3 am - it's like the most addictive video game in the world, but there is no guilt! :D
DeleteWho is Elizabeth Call?? We are 4TH COUSINS!!! I need to meet you, Lizzy. We can be bosom friends. Would you like to join me in Albuquerque for the Balloon Fiesta next week?
ReplyDeleteI"M IN ALBUQUERQUE!!!!!
DeleteRaesha! We're 8th cousins once removed!! And we live in the same city!!
DeleteI'm Elizabeth Call. Well, I was before I got married, anyway. My sister-in-law keeps trying to get me down to Albuquerque, too. I think it's a conspiracy ... One can never have too many boon companions, though, so I should probably take you up on that part of the offer.
DeleteHeavens to Betsy I found my cousin!!! Seriously though, if you're ever in town that would be pretty awesome to meet you.
DeleteI'm only interested in being related to the queen on colors.. how do I start that family line search?
ReplyDeleteAnonymous FTW
DeleteSomehow, I take great comfort in knowing that Lee isn't actually related to any of us.
ReplyDeleteAh...nudge, nudge, wink, wink, say no more, say no more.
DeleteWe'll get him in our family tree... there are a whole band of related strangers working on that round the clock now that our (semi?) intimate connections have come to light. We'll get you into the family, Lee. We'll get you.
DeleteThat ALMOST sounds sinister, Amy. ;)
DeleteI'm scared.
Deleteha ha, I definitely was not saying it in a sinister way in my head, until you pointed that out, Michelle, and now that I see it I can't stop laughing. :) Eli, you really know how to collect a group of strangers and throw a virtual family history party.
DeleteWe're 14th cousins once removed. Have to go back to the 1500's to find our common ancestor, but we're family. :)
ReplyDeleteAm I the only one who can't figure out how to find the group? >.<
ReplyDeleteGo to familysearch.com and register, fill in as much of your family tree as you can, hopefully it will link up to work that other people have already done.
DeleteGo to relativefinder.org & log in with your familysearch info
click on the GROUPS tab, then select "Join" from the drop down menu
Type in the name of the group "It Just Gets Stranger"
Then enter the password: 12345
Then on the lefthand side click the box next to the group name and it will fill your list with people from the group.
It says we're 9th cousins 1 time removed, but I think we're actually 8th cousins - because I'm guessing there weren't two brothers named Heinrich Funk, born two years apart, who both managed to find a Verena Frey to marry. I just want to point out, though, that the FH researchers on MY side of the family managed to find Verena's date of death. Go my side!
ReplyDeleteSo I just went and did this and Eli, WE ARE RELATED!!!!!! 11th cousins ftw! And I was surprised it wasn't through my pioneer ancestors, but another line that goes back to settling in Massachusetts in the 1600s! Basically we're Pioneer AND PILGRIM stock!
ReplyDeleteAll my dreams just literally came true. I, Chaun, am related to Tami (McCann?) through the 11th cousins variety. From there I am also related to Eli. I can die happy now
ReplyDeleteI am very closely related to all of you! Closest connection is Britney whose my 4th cousin once removed and Eli, krishelle, and I are 7th cousins once removed which according to swingwise's logic means I have to send you birthday cards now.
ReplyDeleteLeslie Colton, we are 4th cousins! You're my closest stranger relative!
ReplyDeleteEli, we're 11th cousins!
Hey, that's me! Sup! Shoutout to Annika, Kristie, Aubrey, and Chelsea. You guys are my closest relatives, being 3rd Cousins, 3rd once removed, and then 4th cousins, respectively
DeleteI looked a little closer, and we're actually half cousins, you know, polygamy...
DeleteWe're 11th cousins once removed AND 11th cousins twice removed! I would say 90% of the time when I've looked at these look-who-you're-related-to charts I'm related to people through one family, and it's because that one has been researched to death. Plus my mom's dad was a first generation American and so I only get the Mormon pioneer connection through three out of four grandparents. Still, not bad!
ReplyDeleteI think I can one-up the Suzzzz. My cousin's daughter is also his niece. Hi Uncle Dad!
ReplyDeleteDo they live in West Virginia?
DeleteWhat a bigoted comment. Love is love. Let love win!
DeleteHaha no, New Zealand. I don't know if this is better or worse.
DeleteMy mind exploded trying to work that out. Please to explain!
DeleteSo, is your cousin married or in a relationship with a woman he's related to by marriage, his sister in law?
DeleteThis comment has been removed by the author.
DeleteI'm a straight up 6th cousin to Eli, Krishelle, and Michelle O.
ReplyDeleteJennifer E. and I are also 5th cousins once removed. I can feel the family love from here!
We have 175 Strangers in the group! Wow, awesome!
ReplyDeleteThis comment has been removed by the author.
ReplyDeleteEli, I assumed we would be related through my Mormon side, but interestingly enough, our relation is from my dad's side, who are Methodists.
ReplyDeleteAlso, Relative Finder finally confirming your middle name? Because it says "Whittle." You wouldn't've put an incorrect middle name for LDS.org, would you? Would it even be possible to do that? Although, I supposed maybe you could have created a new login just for Family Search rather than use your LDS.org log in. Anyway, is it Whittle "for reals"?
That is interesting I bet we are related through the Mormon side too though and that's why it shows a different relation to krishelle. We are related all up and down this family tree. I really want someone with the design skills to make the "Related Strangers" tshirts. Then we can all wear them when we go to disney world for our reunion!!!
DeleteOh it is so strange! I just double checked and both ancestors we have in common with Eli are from dad's side, the Methodists!! Even though we are also of proud, illustrious pioneer stock on our mothers side, not bragging just saying. Family history is so neat!! How does this happen???
DeleteI would totally wear a "Related Strangers" shirt. Someone talented, get on that!
DeleteAnd of course a "Not-Related-Yet Strangers" t-shirt for those who haven't found a match. But I want a "Related Strangers" tshirt as well.
DeleteLike I told Lee, the Suzzz, (do I have enough z's? I keep trying to count and my eyes go cross-eyed or something...) Anyway, we'll get you in the family! You go back far enough, or wide enough as swingwise wisely pointed out... we'll get you in there. Sing it with me: "We are family! I got all my strangers with me!"
DeleteOk so we're only 9th cousins twice removed -- but our common ancestor is named Increase Carpenter. INCREASE. CARPENTER. I'm not even making this up!
ReplyDeleteSounds like the predecessor to "more cowbell" if you're asking me. OMG does that mean we're related to Christopher Walken too?!?!
I logged in as my husband, and I am happy to say that I am more closely related to the McCanns than he is. :)
ReplyDeleteThis is an excellent idea. I should log in as my husband, I hope I when, I hope I win!
DeleteDid you win??
DeleteHa well I realized that I know his password but not his username for that site so I will wait for him to get home from work.
DeleteDon't leave me hanging, Amy!
DeleteOkay we are 11th cousins through my favorite ancestors "Desired Milk" and "Preserved Fish" . Since we are 11th cousins we are obviously okay to get married and obviously we will name our children "Desired Milk McCann" and "Preserved Fish McCann" for our shared heritage. And because best names ever!
ReplyDeleteIt is decided. Bob and Cathy will no longer need to ask you about giving them grandchildren.
By the way I'm pretty sure you got your amazing hair from the fish side of the family. :)
She wins. ^^^^ I died laughing
DeleteIf those two had a child would they name it Desired Fish Milk?
DeleteOr... Desired Fish Preserved Milk Whittlebottom McCann
DeleteOH MY GOSH WE ARE RELATED!!!! And it's not just in my dreams, either. I'll be sure to add you to the family Maui-Time-Share-Matrix email list. It doesn't cause any drama or confusion or make anyone reach for the nearest ice pick. Trust me, it's good, clean family fun.
ReplyDeleteI also find it hilarious that I can now find out which Mormon royalty I'm distantly related to. There's only so many circles that I name-drop LDS hymn writers as 7th cousins.
Ok Swingwise, I have many questions. Well some anyway. So I got some information from my parents and linked everything up, then of course others have linked up their family history at some point so things ended up linking up as they were prepopulated and confirming with my parents things worked out. I don't know how accurate this thing is, and not taking into effect adoptions or modified history, on my mom's side I went back over 2000 years. The first born ancestor I found was 100 years B.C. (obviously someone traced the lineage back). There were many King of the Franks in that lineage. I don't think they were actually the King of all of France but only a portion of it, haven't really investigated. Somewhere along the line my french side broke off into UK in England and then found some knights and lady's, that's when it forked and went back to the King of the Franks. It was so weird. But yeah, not sure how accurate this was but it was cool tracking my lineage back to Quebec in the 1600's and France before that. So, with me being able to go back so far, shouldn't I be linked to someone? I still show me as not being related to anyone on that site (not just in this group). And am I supposed to do anything to solidify those links or is that just automatic, because I click the arrows and they're there.
ReplyDeleteThe answer is obvious... You are clearly an alien 😁😉😂 so amazingly awesome that there could only be one of you in a family at a time.
DeleteWhile you may yet be an alien, what you're seeing is the genealogy done by previous generations that desired to go long, not wide. I, too, have 'royal' genealogy going back thousands of years. What you need is what I did to my tree. I sourced and sourced my tree. You will find that the stubby branches are the key. The lines ending in the 1800s because nobody bothered with the hard genealogical research. With everything scanned and digitized in the last 20 years, those hard lines are often easy! :) Happy to look at it.
DeleteJosephine...I WISH!!! That would be so totally cool. But I think it would be because I'm so totally crazy that there could only be one of me in a family at a time.
DeleteI'm sure everyone has some royal genealogy if they go back far enough. I mean, I had to go waaay back to the 1400's just to find a knight and then 700's to find a King. And like I said, that all depends if that lineage was even correctly put into place. I was more interested in tracing my family back to Quebec. Again, even there I'm not sure how accurate that is as it was pre-filled out. I tried doing my wife's but she could only remember so much and asked her brother to send them the family tree. I'm going to put that in there and see what I can find for her as well. Her background is Italian so I'm curious what I'll find.
So how do you source things and find your way back to verify?
Yes! We all want to know how we're related to Lee!!
DeleteThe sourcing is tricky, because for a long time it was mostly handwritten and orally passed down. Only in the recent decades has the push begun for citing sources and including documentation. But more and more census records, church records (all churches), cemetery record, etc. are being digitized and transcribed daily, so genealogy keeps getting easier/more fun.
DeleteThe great thing is, you can go to Family Search and there are search buttons on the right of each person you click on that will go through the records. You find the sources that match your people, and you can attach them right from the search. Take a crack at it. It's tons of fun. There are even tutorials on Family Search that will teach you the basics.
DeleteWow, this is enough to make you go insane. I found census records but they didn't even fill out my grandfather's whole name. And they are all showing different dates for my great grandfathers birth. His father is messed up too. Not sure why. I guess if you're doing the census by writing on paper then someone else has to re-write it and can't read the prior person's handwriting, things can get messed up maybe. Some of the census show some of the kids, the other census shows more names. Craziness man...craziness.
DeleteAlso madness is when you discover that your ancestors couldn't decide how to spell their names. So your great great grandpa will be a Boling, but his brother will be Bolling, and then the census scribe writes Boiling, and a cousin chose Bowling instead, and hundreds of years later, we're left trying to untangle that web of bad penmanship, illiteracy, and "Americanizing" foreign names. It's like being a detective sometimes. And the reward for you will be finding a connection finally to some other strangers. :)
DeleteLOL wonderful. That's probably exactly what I'm seeing here. Didn't these people know how to use computers back then? :)
DeleteOh, also, I meant to say thanks to Swingwise that showed us this site. Even if I don't find relations to any of you, it's still a great place to put down all of your family history and helped me to see where I possibly came from. And thanks to everyone that's helping the rest of us out like Michelle and Amy.
DeleteYou all rock!
Lee, that's what family does. All together now, "We are family! I got all my strangers with me!" (ha ha, sorry I just really can't resist.)
DeleteAmy, I'm totally singing backup right now. And swooning a bit, because Lee (Lee!) knows my name. :)
DeleteAnother question for all your smart ladies and gents out there, can you add a source to a person via a different way? For example, my grandparents have their obits in a local newspaper online. Is there a way to add that?
DeleteYes, you add a source manually. Go to the Source section of the person and there is the option to add a source. You fill in the details and add a link or image, and there it is! :D
DeleteOMG do I feel stupid. Thank you.
DeleteYou know Lee - you're Canadian - - - if you come to the US you technically WILL be an alien . . . .
DeleteBa dum ching!
DeleteAn actual image of me whenever I go into the US (first picture at the top).
I think you people totally crashed Relative Finder!!! LOL! I will have to wait until they recover from the onslaught and try again. :)
ReplyDeleteIt's working now. :)
DeleteThis comment has been removed by the author.
Delete3rd cousins once removed ELI 3RD COUSINS I'm practically hyperventilating here at work in excitement!
ReplyDeleteWe're 11th cousins - all the way back to 1600s England/Massachusetts. Gotta love the pilgrims.
ReplyDeleteShoot. Relative finder can't find ANY relatives for me, not even just none in this group. Is this an error? My family search account goes back 300 years!
ReplyDeleteI think that does seen strange. Does anyone with more knowledge have any insight, swingwise, or Michelle, or anyone?
DeleteI have never heard of that happening. Maybe relative finder isn't linking up correctly to your family search account. Perhaps try using the website's help features? Swingwise?
DeleteMy family search goes back quite a way too and I have no relatives either.
DeleteI went back over 2000 years (don't ask, it was painstaking to figure out and mostly prepopulated) and it shows no relatives for me either.
DeleteI almost want to make an account for my nephew and see if we link up at some point just to see if I'm doing something wrong.
I'm wondering the same thing, Lee! I must be doing something wrong to have no relatives at all.
DeleteAre you looking at the website from a phone? When I tried it on my phone nothing would come up, but I tried my desktop and it says I'm related to everyone!
DeleteUsed 2 different computers here. Phone was too small to work on.
DeleteHmm... Well, Relative Finder is still a relatively new program. There may be bugs. Don't give up! Who knows where you'll find a link. At worst, we're all related back 1000 years! :D
DeleteWait just a minute! How in the name of Tami did all this happen without a single Kevin Bacon?
DeleteYeah. Awesomesauciness, sometimes you make me laugh out loud. This is one of those times.
DeleteHe's everyone's 6th cousin, obviously relative finder thought posting it would be redundant.
DeleteAwesomesauciness I think I love you . . . . (sorry Lee)
DeleteI can't find how to join groups?!?! Please help!
ReplyDeleteAfter you create the family search account you have to go to relativefinder.org. Then look at the top right and you'll see the "Groups" tab. Click on that and you can search for It Just Gets Stranger. Then enter the password (12345).
DeleteVia The Suzzzz:
DeleteGo to familysearch.com and register, fill in as much of your family tree as you can, hopefully it will link up to work that other people have already done.
Go to relativefinder.org & log in with your familysearch info
click on the GROUPS tab, then select "Join" from the drop down menu
Type in the name of the group "It Just Gets Stranger"
Then enter the password: 12345
Then on the lefthand side click the box next to the group name and it will fill your list with people from the group.
Thanks for the step by step, couldn't/wouldn't have been able to do it otherwise!
DeleteThis reminds me of an article: All Europeans Are Related. http://www.nbcnews.com/science/science-news/all-europeans-are-related-if-you-go-back-just-1-f6C9826523
ReplyDeleteHi Eli, I'm Kina - your 11th cousin 3 times removed. I'm sure we met at that one reunion that one time. Where we did all those family things. If you saw me you'd totes recognize me, I'm sure. I just wanted to point out that while I was on relative finder, I realized your name, when written on official forms, would be McCann, Eli W. In initial form? M.E.W. Which is fitting, because CATS.
ReplyDeleteKina: too funny :)
DeleteYES! How did we not see this before?!
Delete10th cousins (no removal necessary) on my Dad's side, 16th century. And shout out to all my cousins, I lost track of how many I've got!
ReplyDeleteYay! I'm related to 8 Strangers. It has to go back to the 1500's to make most of them happen, but I feel like I really belong now. I am, not surprisingly, unrelated to Eli. That's what happens when you have no ancestors from Utah - all my peeps are from the Midwest and points east. I didn't really expect to find any connections, so 8 is pretty good! Sadly, not related to Lee either. All my connections are female.
ReplyDeleteI cannot figure out how to find the group!!! I don't want to miss the family reunion!! Also I even made an account!! HELP!!!
ReplyDeleteDid you try the below? (The group is on relativefinder.org, not family search's site)
DeleteVia The Suzzzz:
Go to familysearch.com and register, fill in as much of your family tree as you can, hopefully it will link up to work that other people have already done.
Go to relativefinder.org & log in with your familysearch info
click on the GROUPS tab, then select "Join" from the drop down menu
Type in the name of the group "It Just Gets Stranger"
Then enter the password: 12345
Then on the lefthand side click the box next to the group name and it will fill your list with people from the group.
I need some help here. I started making my family tree, then found an ancestor with a tree already made. How do I connect them?
ReplyDeleteAnonymous, shoot Nathan an email at swingwise@gmail.com. He has offered to help anyone who needs help (and is apparently very giddy about all of this).
DeleteI'm either no related to anybody or have no idea how to do this. The group is just alphabetical.
ReplyDelete225 relatives Stranger relatives, and that's only with my dad's side of the family entered - Wow. Hello, 10th cousin, once removed (courtesy of common ancestor George Harlan, who was born back in 1649)!