Tuesday, August 26, 2014

The Flight of the Black Hoody

Last night I was in my office until 1:00 in the morning.

I'm not a workaholic. Not trying to convince anyone that this is something that happens to me often. Usually I have a very predictable schedule. But every once in a while the 1:00 nights happen. And last night was one of them.

I was sitting in the dark office, thinking about how strange it is that I've been in that dark office for nearly a year now. I still feel like the "new guy." And compared to some of my colleagues, I very much am the new guy.

Maybe it was because it was late and I was tired and alone. Maybe it was because of the lightening storm I watched out of my office window, a natural occurrence that tends to give the sense that bigger things than us happen. Maybe it had something to do with the fact that I've had so many big life changes recently that I've been weathering more aggressively than usual, but my mind started waxing nostalgic and sentimental. Contemplative and maybe a little somber too.

I lay down on the floor in my office, using a black hoody-turned-pillow, which has been sitting in the same spot since I transported it there from home in the early spring, to cushion my pounding head. And I dozed off.

I fell somewhere into the middle of the dream. I say "middle" because it was almost like it was already happening before my mind joined the story. Maybe all dreams are that way. I guess the credits don't typically roll at the prompting of each REM cycle. But this one felt a little extra that way.

It was a different time and not that long ago. I had boarded a plane that was headed from Palau to Salt Lake City. A direct flight, I suppose. An itinerary that only exists in dream land.

But I was old on the outside. Older than I am now. I wasn't the age of my body. I was the age of my experiences. Or, rather, the age that I felt my recent experiences had made me. I sat on the plane, catching my reflection occasionally in the window and for some reason feeling the need to explain to those around me that the outside of myself didn't accurately reflect who I was.

But then a friend took the seat next to me, and it suddenly didn't matter how I looked or what I had experienced. Because this friend knew me. And this friend knew me not because of my experiences, but despite them. And I recognized in that moment that this was the true indicator of real friendship. 

Most people identify us by gathering information about the things that happen in our lives. But it takes someone special to see us through those happenings and know our souls.

There was comfort on this flight in knowing that, come what may, I was cared for. I was cared for by someone or someones who I understood to be selfless enough to treat me as though they cared for me. 

I craved that consistency, like we all do. I craved that consistency in the way every one of us does after spending a lifetime of discovering that that kind of consistency is an all-too-rare gem in ourselves and others. And I clasped the arm of this friend tightly with both hands, as though doing so could somehow stop the friend from turning into something different emotionally.

But it happened anyway. And my dream heart broke as the friend faded into something different. The person turned into a black hoody, limp in my hands.

I held it. And I cried. And I buried my face in it, wishing that it wasn't an item of clothing. Emotions rushed through me in a way and at a level that is atypical of dreams for me. But while I wished and hoped for that consistency in someone else, another emotion took over.

I had an unbelievable sense that I could be better at being the kind of person and friend that I craved. I could find ways to see those I love for who they are. I could be that source of comfort for them, come what may. And I felt that I should strive to be those things.

We aren't valuable because people love us. We're valuable because we love people.

I woke up after that, confused and wondering for a moment where I was. And then I remembered. 

I climbed aboard my chair and continued to work while lightening lit up the sky outside my office window.

~It Just Gets Stranger


  1. Perfect. I completely agree! And that's exactly what I needed to hear right now. :)

  2. I love so much. I just want someone to love me back

    1. That person is out there for you, trust me.

  3. This is why I love your blog, the perfect blance between fun and thoughtful. Thank you for sharing. I agree, the people I appreciate the most are the people sho love me because of my personality and flaws, not despite them. And it's a good reminder to be that person yourself too. (PS: Dunno how you do it, but your hair looks amazing despite the "sleeping on a hoodie"-thing, or maybe because of it :))

  4. You know, for a relative young'un, you're pretty wise. What you said is very true. I've known my oldest friend since we were five. We've seen each other through college, marriage, childbirth, parents with cancer and dementia, grad school, you name it. But the bottom line is, we're friends because we just love each other. The shared experiences are a gift, but it's just what you say: it's not really why we're friends. It strengthened and enriched the friendship, but the core is we laugh at each other's jokes, and have for thirty-five years. That, and we both have shiny hair. Just like you.

  5. Thanks for this Eli. When you wrote this piece I immediately thought of my wife and realized that she is exactly that for me. You made me think of her in a way in which I never thought of her before. A very good way. I know that you wrote this more as something that should open our eyes to ourselves and make us more loving people, but it also opened my eyes to what she really is to me. I mean, I've always loved my wife, but this just made it a more special love. Thank you.

  6. Dang it eli you're having these awesome introspective dreams, and I'm over here having dreams about eating pringles! NO FAIR

  7. This was beautifully written and so real. Thank you.

  8. This brought me to tears. Thank you.

  9. Man, you must be crazy intelligent or pensive to have dreams that teach you something. Mine are about like spiders and wars and weird stuff.

  10. Thank you, Eli, for your thoughtful, and meaningful words. Thank you for your transparency, and willingness to share even your confusing dreams with us, and let us think through the same thought processes. The world needs more people that are willing to discuss their lives with such depth. It makes us all realize that we aren't as alone in our experiences as we think we are. When everyone puts up a brave front, and tells each other we are just fine... then we think we are the only ones that are insecure, and falling apart.

  11. The question that remain for me is if you are that kind of friend to YOURSELF? I have often judged myself very harshly. Feeling that experiences (negative ones, of course) are what define me. Getting over those feelings and judgement about myself are sometimes harder than forgiving them in other people.

    1. Ain't that the truth, Anon.

    2. Agree as well. Super hard for me to do that. I still feel guilty for things I've done years ago...as in 20+ years ago. Very hard to forgive yourself and let it go. Nail on the head there Anon.

  12. As always, good timing on the thoughtful, introspective post. I've been struggling with some things and this really helped. Thank you.

  13. Thank you for this post. And for being who you are. And for sharing it.

  14. Gee that hit me really hard just now, not sure why...
    Was it an actual person you knew or just someone your dream made up? I have dreams where someone loves me in a way I've never been before- I feel adored and cared for and known...it's an incredibly intense feeling. It's hard to wake up from and, ya know... Not really have that. I just wondered if you really have a friend like that...or if it was just a longing your mind brought to life...
    Unrelated: have you noticed the shout-out Taylor Swift gives you in her new song Shake It Off? She says "And to the fella over there with the hella good hair" - obviously, she means you amiright?!
    -Bekah (1st time commenter)

  15. I wish I had such noble dreams...

    I had a dream last night that I decided to walk to work instead of driving (even thought it's 25 miles). And for some reason I decided to carry my cat with me. About halfway to work I realized bringing the cat was a terrible idea and pulled my phone out to call my husband and have him pick the cat up. But I dropped the phone and it broke. Then two Russian guys showed up and were trying to trade me one stuffed animal for two of my own (all the stuffed animals I had ever owned were for some reason in an ally with us).

    Also, I get panicky when you have such thoughtful posts. Like...I'm not on your level when you're being funny and posting pictures of your janky toe - I'm definitely not going to be able to keep up when you get insightful!!

  16. I can't even tell you how much this affected me just now. Thank you.

  17. Why do we dedicate so much time and money on school? Why do we work 40 hours a week to earn money that we end up spending on things we don’t really need? We need people. People are what make this life worth living. It’s our good friends, family, neighbors, and quite simply just our interpersonal relationships add meaning and value to our lives. Yet in a world of social media we have become less social and less caring. We feed the need of having true friends with pictures, posts, and movies. We live in a lonely society. We don’t listen. I think most of us could be better at loving people and being that friend for someone.

  18. "We aren't valuable because people love us. We are valuable because we love people." May just have to use this for my senior quote.
