Thursday, November 10, 2016

Pictures from my Phone & Weekly Distractions

We're all exhausted. So let's just enjoy some pictures of puppies and some links of stuff to waste your day.


Too soon?

I love you guys.

And now, your Pictures & Distractions:
I will be arguing an 8th Amendment case in front of the 10th Circuit in a few days. My friend Jenna came to help me practice. We call this "mooting with puppies."

One of those rare moments when a bumper sticker actually had an effect on me. (I'm talking about the pink one). 

Who can be sad when Eli has a baby niece like this?

I surprised Mr. Pants with a mid-day visit. He was not pleased that I interfered with his 9-hour nap. 

Crap to distract you from whatever you're supposed to be doing:

A real life snake on a plane. No thanks, Krishelle.

An elephant painting a picture of itself. Thanks, Brian.

The 25 most terrifying deep sea creatures. Thanks, Brian.

I watched this commercial on Sunday and cried for eleventy hours.

From the Onion. Thanks, Matt.

Incredible black and white photos colorized. Thanks, Chad.

A list of ideas to perform some acts of kindness. Thanks, Adam.

Please come join us on the Imzy and find me on Instagram at eliwmccann.

If you have anything you would like to include on Pictures & Distractions, please email me at

~It Just Gets Stranger


  1. Whether or not it's too soon I can't say, but it made me laugh. Thank you, good sir.

  2. I just want to say that I really appreciate that stranger has been a very uplifting and wonderful safe space for me during this very stressful week. You do good here. You do a lot of good

    1. I ditto this comment. Your two posts about voting and then about the results were inspiring. I have been worried sick all week but I've gone back to read your writing and it has seriously calmed me and helped me feel compassion. Thank you for Stranger and for being the grown up we sometimes all need to see.

  3. Who's your panel for the Tenth Circuit case?

    1. Kelly, Gorsuch, and Holmes. Any insight?

    2. In my opinion, that's a tough panel (at least if they're not already on your side). They're all usually pretty active in questioning, so you should expect that. (Still have your own material prepared, but don't be surprised if you spend almost all of the time fielding questions instead.) Gorsuch is more likely than most of the Tenth Circuit judges to attempt to basically use the Socratic method to get the attorney to make some point to the panel, so be extra sure to actually listen to what he says instead of reflexively arguing with him. (You'd be surprised how many attorneys argue against themselves because they're so convinced that any question must be hostile.) But even if he does that, be sure to keep addressing your arguments to the entire panel.

    3. Thanks! Do you practice in front of the 10th Cir often? Shoot me an email if you're interested in more shop talk.

  4. The real question we all have is where is this week's "Survivor" recap? I now watch it religiously with my husband so I can get the most out of your recaps, and it doesn't look like there's one for this week. I NEED YOUR SNARKY COMMENTARY TO SURVIVE THIS.

    1. I owe you the sincerest of apologies. So much was going on this week and I just couldn't quite get it done. But in short: Taylor drives me CRAZY and I'm sad that miss thang got sent home because she was kind of growing on me. Also snapchat lol totes. What did you think?

    2. I figured as much when you were talking about preparing your case. I understand, real life comes first.

      I wanted them to vote out Taylor so badly. We can't stand him at our house. I hope they get rid of him soon. Greedy little thief, and he wasn't even sorry! At all! Ugh!

      I also was kind of starting to like Michelle, so that was a bummer. I can't stand most of the other millennials, so I kind of want Gen X to slowly but surely get rid of them and win this whole thing. I feel bad for Zeke being lumped in with the millenials since he's older than most of them. I too am annoyed to be considered the same generation as these children.

      And totes hashtag snapchat 4eva.

    3. I also thought of you when I saw this post-election tweet:

      (Too soon?)

  5. I would be very curious to see you in court. Because first of all I want to see you get all professional and I bet your hair goes great with your suit. Actually probably the appropriate way to say that is, I bet your suit goes great with your hair. But do you stay professional or does some Eli stuff come out? Do you exaggerate stuff or throw in a twice up the barrel, once down the side when you aren't sure what to say? And do you end your closing statement with ... "and if blah blah blah, then I guess this isn't even American anymore!"

  6. The commercial was precious. I teared up! It's good to see the best side of humanity after a week like this.

  7. Just had to google the 8th ammendment...

    1. I think a lot of us did! The people at google that keep track of our searches are all scratching their heads wondering what the big deal this weekend was with the eighth amendment!!
