Thursday, April 13, 2017

Pictures from my Phone & Weekly Distractions

Ollie has been staying with me this whole week for reasons that aren't entirely clear considering that Matt is in town. But the point is, the other day I had to give him and Duncan a bath because at least one of them smelled like poop so everyone was punished for this. So we all got into the shower because I don't believe in making them do things I'm unwilling to do. Of course, drying them was a nightmare since their entire bodies are hair. And finally, after everything was done, they really wanted to go outside and literally the first thing they did when they got there was take a unison flying leap into a pile of mud.

So now I have zero dogs.

Here are your Pictures & Distractions:
Snow Canyon

Hashtag dog model

Yin and yang


Uncle Matt took them for puppuccinos 

Crap to distract you from whatever you're supposed to be doing:

The most disturbing/sad/frustrating/shocking thing I've ever seen in a TV show happened this week, and I wrote about it.

CoinciDANCE. Thanks, Chaun.

Mine and Trixy Meowman's birthdays are coming up. Thanks, Tim and Leslie.

A poop-themed birthday party. Thanks, Krishelle.

HOW do the people interviewed for this article actually exist? Thanks, Brian.

Boy, 8, watches driving tutorials, drives to McDonald's. Thanks, Kimbally.

Please come find us on Facebook and locate me and Mr. Doodle on the Instas at eliwmccann and mr_duncan_doodle.

If you would like to include something in Pictures & Distractions, please send me an email at

~It Just Gets Stranger


  1. I'm with you about the producers having editorial control and not having to show what Varner did to Zeke but then I started thinking about it and what would they have done? How would they explain Varner's exit? We harp on reality TV for not actually being real and then we want to ask the people to act instead of be real?

    Did you see Probst's interview with Katie Couric?

    1. I didn't see his interview but now I need to go look it up. I read the one he did for EW. After looking into it and reading about how the producers asked Zeke for permission to air it, I think they made the right call. I may be naive, but I actually think that Jeff Probst genuinely cares about the people they have on the show and I've never gotten the impression that he has tried to exploit them against their will. You get that sense especially in noting how the hundreds of people they've had on the show generally seems to respect and like Jeff. I also met one of the camera guys for the show (he lives part time in SLC) and he told me that Jeff and crew put a lot of effort into maintaining the game's "integrity" and that Jeff is genuinely adored by everyone involved in the show because he is such an upstanding guy.

      So, yeah. I might start a religion around Jeff and his one shirt.

  2. Btw, I named my new cat "Trixie."

    1. Please tell me Stranger was some kind of inspiration for this.

    2. Absolutely! We adopted this poor cat who was named Felicia for the sole purpose of keeping our high energy Bobby cat occupied. We promptly renamed her Trixie ;) because if the name is good enough for Eli McCann's phantom cat...

    3. Well you, ma'am, have made everything in the world better.
