Thursday, November 14, 2019

Pictures from my Phone & Weekly Distractions

Apparently Bozo the Clown died. Matt just told me and then scolded me for asking who that is. Which reminds me, I called Skylar "the ol' battleaxe" last weekend and he said he had never heard that term before and didn't know what it meant. I think this means I married a child? The thing is, I didn't even know this was an old phrase.

This is almost as bad as when, a mere five days after our wedding, I referenced "the original Parent Trap" and he responded "the one with Lindsay Lohan?"

I'm telling you. Nearly got divorced that day.

And now, your Pictures & Distractions:

Our friend Gab was in town for Halloween with her baby boy Cleaver. (And that's Mike holding Ollie Pants)


We were stopped by Stranger Alyssa on our way in to have a photoshoot with all of the dogs at West Elm BECAUSE THAT'S WHAT WE DO AND IT'S NORMAL.

Crap to distract you from whatever you're supposed to be doing:

I wrote this story about going to Kennecott Copper Mine on a third grade field trip.

Hive Mind is now on it's own channel! Please go subscribe.

Check out Rebbie Brassfield's groundbreaking journalism about Cubby's.

Meg is still doing the Lord's work recapping Provo's Most Eligible.

Just a lovely Twitter thread about a very dumb dog. Thanks, Brian.

What to do when you lose a dog. Thanks, Brian.

If you haven't watched the Jeopardy video yet, please fix that.

Guy texts random numbers to break up with them. (Some language). Thanks, Brittany.

If you would like to have something included on Pictures & Distractions, please email me at

~It Just Gets Stranger


  1. Sooo, is it just me or is Mike your doppelganger?

  2. The Kennecott article made me laugh SO HARD. Thank you for that.
