Monday, July 11, 2016

Lifetime Original Movies

When I was growing up my older sister Krisanda and I used to play this game where we would take turns reading the names of movies printed in the weekly TV schedule that came with the Sunday morning paper. The person reading them would do it in a monotone voice and the person listening would have to guess whether the title was to a Lifetime movie, or something else.

We were incredibly good at this game. Like, so good we should have been famous. If this was a competitive sport, we would have been world champions. And then all of the fame would inevitably cause tension between us and eventually our team would split up and we would have to find new teammates and then the sport would get ruined by blood doping and the next thing you know it would be all about the money instead of just the love of the game like it used to be when we first got started.

In any event, I spent a good portion of my childhood becoming really good at things that have not been helpful to be good at in my adult life.

I'm looking at you, Boy Scouts of America and the sport of t-ball.

Then it occurred to me, my exceptional knowledge of Lifetime original movie titles and synopses could really come in handy if Jolyn and I ever decide to do a Strangerville Short on the topic.


~It Just Gets Stranger


  1. What happened to Lee? Will someone PLEASE answer this?

    1. Lee has taken an amicable leave of absence. We all hope he returns to our community someday, but in the meantime we wish him all the best!

    2. The answer is - we don't really know, but we suspect he's off being himself in the real world somewhere.

  2. Lee is taking a sabbatical. He felt this blog was taking up too much of his time and decided to take some time off.

    1. Well, he should have let us all know that he is alive and well and just needed a hiatus. Seriously...Stranger friends worry!

  3. Why such a sudden interest in Lee's whereabouts? Twice up the barrel, I guess.

    1. Lee is an important part of the stranger family. We all care about him and his whereabouts and wellbeing. Luke 15:4, bro.

  4. Best Strangerville Short. EVER.

  5. Strangerville short brought me back to my childhood. Haunted by the background music.

    1. The background track is what we had (in South Africa, in the 80's) as the intro for the Young and the Restless- or, as we knew it, Die Rustelose Jare (in Afrikaans, because we struggled for simulcast back then.)

  6. Nadia's Theme? Well done.

  7. Wait. Were these actual movies? Or joke movies that you made up? Please tell me they were jokes. The Killer Hair one!! Really???

    1. These are real actual movies. And the synopses we read came from Wikipedia.

  8. I listened to this last week and it was so funny!!

  9. Yes I listened to this a few days back. It's good. It took me to my childhood, Watched some old movies on terrarium tv
