Sunday, July 31, 2016

We All Wear Masks

Ring ring

Skylar: Hello.

Eli: Someone called you a "hotty mc hotty" in the comments of something I posted on Stranger last week.

Skylar: Wait. I'm on your blog now?

Eli: You were last week. I hope you aren't in the witness protection program.

Skylar: Don't you have to get someone's permission to write about them on your blog?

Eli: Haha. Anyway, they also said there should be a website that has pictures of the hot people of It Just Gets Stranger but then they said something really hurtful.

Skylar: What?

Eli: They said that Tami better not be included on this site.

Skylar: That's not hurtful. This person sounds like a good a decent American.

Eli: No. This isn't right. She shouldn't be criticized like this so close to her birthday and right after we put all of that work into making an inspirational video to celebrate her.

Skylar: I thought we made that for Pioneer Day?

Eli: We made it for both.

Skylar: I would not have participated if I had known the full story.

Eli: Why does everyone hate Tami so much? I legitimately thought she would be warmly embraced by the Stranger community but every time I post of picture of her, all she gets is vehement opposition and hate.

Skylar: Tami is disgusting. And I actually think you may be violating the obscenity laws of all 50 states and Canada when you share pictures of her.

Eli: Even when I photoshop hair onto her?

Skylar: ESPECIALLY when you photoshop hair onto her.

Eli: Well Tami has been an inspiration in my life and I just think she should be shared with everyone.

Skylar: Maybe you could put a mask on her face? That way she can tell her story without disgusting other people.

Eli: Check your privilege, Skylar. Just because Tami isn't a "hotty mc hotty" doesn't mean she should be shunned.

Skylar: Tami is a man's toe that is missing a toenail and has woman hair photoshopped onto her so let's take it down a notch.

Eli: Oh wait. I just found a Mr. Bean mask that would look really good on her. Let me text it to you.

Skylar: You are terrible at this.


And now, please enjoy this week's Strangerville Short, and a quick jaunt back into the 80s.

~It Just Gets Stranger


  1. Isn't Skylar aware that by existing in your Universe that he forfeits all rights to privacy. PARTICULARLY when he allows himself to be photographed with or by you!?!?!?! He may be a Hotty McHotty but he's not all that quick with the uptake.

    1. Yes. He should contact Daniel for advice on how to live without any privacy. And then on how to enter the witness protection program because that's what I imagine happened to Daniel.

  2. I can get behind a masked Tami.

    1. If by mask you mean that Eli wears socks and stops posting photos of Tami, then yes, I can also get behind masked Tami

  3. Tami is almost as bad as Donald Trump. And has worse hair. There, I said it because someone needed to.

  4. Loved the short this week! It brought back some very dramatic memories from childhood.
