Tuesday, December 12, 2017

Diphtheria OMG I actually spelled that correctly on the first try

Last month the Stranger troll said I was desperate because I shared the most recent Strangerville episode twice in one week and I'm nothing if not consistently pathetic so you should all definitely click on the below. Every time you do a troll learns one new grammatical rule.

In other news, I'm still alive, thanks for asking.

The neighborhood was probably worried starting around 9:30 on Saturday night when I found myself slumped over on Lynne's couch while two dozen well-dressed people tried to make conversation with me. This included our mailman, whom Lynne invited to our party after apparently developing a much more successful relationship with him than I have.

I really probably should have gone home. Nevertheless she persisted. I stayed out at the party until around 1:00 in the morning. So late that you can see Bob and Cathie shaking their heads from space.

I walked the two houses home. By the time I got there, I was shivering so dramatically that I met my exercise quota for the month.

And thus began the longest night of my year.

For the next however-many hours, I was up and down, in and out of bed, trying to drink water because I felt dehydrated, but not too much because I also felt nauseous. Twice I fainted on the bathroom floor, mostly for the drama. And by the time the sun pierced the sky in the morning, I most definitely had not slept more than an hour.

I did not step outside once on Sunday. I could barely get myself to walk across a room for the entire day. Skylar kindly made chicken soup and then he and Kate sat at the dinner table eating it while I lay limply on the couch, moaning every 30 or so seconds so everyone would remember whom this was all about.

And then Monday morning happened.

My greatest downfall--the sole reason I'm currently not the acting Pope--is my persistent inability to fully rest after sickness.

Look. The good Lord both blessed and cursed me with an unhealthy level of energy. I don't relax very well. I'm the worst person in the entire world to go see movies with. I've lost relationships over this. My biggest complaint when I lived in Palau was that there was nothing to do but relax.

I have literally taken medication for this.

And so, it is nearly impossible for me to "wait it out" when I'm sick. I will push my body exactly as hard as it is willing to go at any given moment.

If I'm vomiting the sins of all mankind, fine. I'll stay by the toilet. If I can't walk across a room without fainting, ok. I'll try to avoid walking across any rooms.

But if I wake up after being crippled in bed for an entire day, wherein I didn't once leave the house for a second, and I feel like my body will consent to allow me to drive to the office without killing anyone, I will do that. No matter how many of my friends or Briannes scream at me to just stay home.

This isn't heroic. It's not even productive. It's just plain stupid. And I understand that. Which makes it even more stupid.

I knew when I was driving into the office on Monday that I wasn't actually going to get any meaningful work done and that at best I was just prolonging the illness. I knew that if I just stayed home and fought through the anxiety that comes from not doing anything, I would probably be feeling almost completely better by Tuesday.

But I drove to the office anyway.

And by the time I got there, I was shivering and curled up into a little ball on the floor.

Rinse, wash, repeat on Tuesday.

Except now I have new symptoms so I think some things may actually be getting worse. I haven't been to see a doctor yet because A. Every time I think I should, I convince myself that I'm actually feeling better, and B. You guys already diagnosed me with diphtheria on Monday so it would just be a waste of a copay.

I have at least tried to get medical advice from my unqualified friends. For example, I told Skylar that I had diarrhea because he's basically a doctor and I thought he might be helpful and he was if you consider "why are you telling me this" good feedback.

Thankfully I have my knitting to get me and Mr. Duncan Doodle through this trying time.

And THAT is a sentence I never thought I would write.

~It Just Gets Stranger


  1. My husband does this, too. The man will not rest. And he rides his bike to work. And then he shuts all the blinds in his office and curls up on the floor and takes “power naps” while his students keep looking for him, continually assuming they must have “just missed him” because he was there a minute ago. (He is a professor). I have been trying to get the man to slow down for 11 years (anniversary in two weeks, but close enough) so I know there is nothing I can say that will get you to slow down. But if you won’t do it for Brianne, or Duncan, or Skylar or (who is Kate?!) do it for your hair. It’s a national treasure, and we all know this country needs the patriotism and loyalty inspired by it. I bought some new yarn today! If you ever want to FaceTime knit, call me. And that’s a sentence i never thought I would say.

    Oh and just to fully round this out, I listened to the podcast with my husband and HE LAUGHED. so kudos to you, The Suzzzz because making him laugh is basically like Eli having a bad hair day. Michelle can comment and back me up on this. And so, I will listen to the episode again and feel like it is the best service I have given this Christmas, giving a troll his wings of grammar glory.

    It’s time to stop. Past time? Ok.

    1. I feel like God put me on this earth to entertain other people by turning my painfully awkward interactions with other human beings into humorous cocktail party stories. My therapist disagrees, I just thinks she's jealous that I'm funnier than she is.

    2. Tell your therapist you made my husband laugh. That’s serious points to your theory.

    3. I will as soon as I'm done making her cry by telling her about my dog who has terminal cancer. Seriously making your therapist cry after MONTHS of crying to her, it's kind of a nice turn of events.

    4. Word. I always feel intensely proud of myself when I make Devin laugh.

    5. DEVIN being my husband. In... case you didn’t know that. MICHELLE is my baby sister. Fun facts!

  2. Well that was a letdown. I was anticipating a story about you contracting diphtheria...

    I don’t know much about Diphtheria, except that I don’t know anyone that’s ever had it post 1920s and that it presented a MAJOR barrier to winning Oregon Trail in the fifth grade.


  3. I am not one to rock the boat in any way but... that doesn’t sound like diphtheria to me. I’m so sorry to doubt the medical expertise of other Strangers! But as your friendly neighborhood CDC rep (who doesn’t live in Utah but whatever) I do think you should go to the doctor ASAP! You could have anything from a crappy virus to an infection requiring antibiotics to a heart issue causing your symptoms. If it is a virus you might not want to be spreading it to your friends and colleagues... unless you hate them! Maybe see if there are any essential oil conferences in town and make an appearance, being sure not to wash your hands??

    And if it is diphtheria you should at least get it treated to increase your chances of survival! Keep fighting! Don’t walk towards the light!

    1. As the completely unqualified Stranger who diagnosed Eli with diphtheria in the first place with my not one but TWO art degrees, I’m offended that you would question my medical expertise!

      It’s not like I just happened to read an NPR article about the rise of diphtheria in third world countries after reading Eli’s last post and assume it was the universe telling me I could solve all of Eli’s problems.

    2. I'm sorry I doubted you! I do not have any art degrees so I withdraw my comment! Except the part about getting his diphtheria treated, I still maintain that is probably a good idea.

    3. I was thinking snake oil, coconut oil, and essential oils would make the perfect concoction but I suppose your own expertise may be helpful.

  4. Dude that is not a description of “things that don’t normally go along with a normal illness” nausea, diarrhea, dehydration and chills are all classic signs of a GI bug (for heavens sake did someone not teach you that chills mean you have a fever). If it lasts more than five days it’s bacterial and you can get antibiotics for it not die. Also if you actually went to the doctor they would make you rest on penalty of death which is probably why you haven’t gone. Also, I’m in NP school so I’m basically a doctor.

    1. I am literally sitting in an instacare waiting room right now because of this comment (and the one from Lindsay above).

  5. You did not feel nauseous, you felt nauseated.

    1. Whenever I tell a dr my symptoms I am always terrified of this one because I know I will get it backwards. But, apparently, and only if I can trust anonymous commenter who doesn’t even sign their comment, then I have been saying it right. Phew, AMY ROSE

    2. Amy Rose - I'm perplexed at why you're sometimes anonymous and sometimes not and now I'm wondering if you didn't post the first anonymous comment and then reply to it and are essentially talking to yourself for all of us to see . . . .

    3. Haha. It’s because my phone seems to have gotten some strange virus and I can only comment as myself if I am on my actual computer. Otherwise I sign myself as anonymous. I have always admitted to being anonymous except I think twice when I had commented so many times I started feeling like that person at the party that talks too much. I have a strange affliction of being really shy naturally and not inclined to talk much, but when I get comfortable it’s hard to make me stop- so both sides are at play here, that over the years of reading this blog I have gotten more and more comfortable. BUT in this case, that first anonymous was not me. I really have signed it as myself every time but those two or three on other posts. And I don’t know why my account or phone or whatever is messed up. i honestly sort of worried for a while Eli was censoring me because I talk too much. Haha. Oh and I just figured out that even though my google account doesn’t work to use for comments on my phone there are other options where you can put your name in manually, but if it was a long comment I typed on my phone then I might be feeling lazy for that. SO that’s why there are now three kind of styles you may see me comment as. I am just grateful so far I haven’t seen any fake “Amy rose “ anonymous comments. Though why any troll would care to do that I don’t know, but it seems like they have so much time. Anyway, ok. Now my awkward stop talking voice is back. Bye!

    4. Ha! For some reason, Amy Rose and I are being cursed that when we comment on his blog on our iPhones, it refuses to let us comment with our Google profiles.

  6. Eli. No one wants you to stay home from work so you feel better more quickly. They want you to stay home so YOU DON’T GET THEM SICK.
