I can't do a Pictures and Distractions post right now because I have BREAKING NEWS.
This is just like when you get all excited to watch your favorite show and you turn on the TV and find out that they are doing 4 hours of hurricane coverage instead. Or worse. The World Series.
And I know. I'm acting like Stranger is CNN now with all of this "breaking news" talk. Well maybe Stranger should get a little more credit for being an incredible news source than it currently receives. Stranger is still the only news outlet that covered Leotrix, after all.
Take that, MSNBC.
On to the breaking news. Yesterday I told you that I was panicking because YOU GUYS! BED BUGS!!!
So after all but burning my entire apartment complex to the ground, I went to bed. Sometime around 2:00AM I woke up and felt bugs crawling all over my body. I flew into the air, flipped the light on, and immediately began slapping my arms and legs to get them off of me.
Then I looked carefully and noticed that there were no bugs to be found. I checked the bed. I pulled off the sheets. I looked at every nook and cranny. No sign of any bug anywhere. So I was sure that this meant that I was starting to go crazy.
To be extra thorough, I went into the bathroom and began checking every square inch of my body for bites. I saw the bite marks. All of them. All one billion of them. I stood, hoping and praying that these were just bites I got while "camping" last weekend and didn't notice until now. Then I started panicking. And panicking. And my heart started racing. And then . . .
Who knows how long later, I came to. I was on the floor and had totally broken out into cold sweats. I was disoriented. I had clearly fainted. And I lay there in terror at the thought that I passed out in the middle of the night in my apartment all by myself. And suddenly I remembered at least one of the reasons why I always thought it wasn't a good idea to live alone.
With barely any energy left in me, I climbed back into bed.
When morning came, I got up and went into the shower. I began surveying the bug bites again. And suddenly I felt myself start to get light headed. And then . . .
Who knows how long later, I came to, on the shower floor.
I live very near work and often I leave my car parked in the underground garage at my office. So after a while I began my trek down the street.
I got into the office and was bombarded with a few things that needed immediate attention. A few hours later a couple of friends forced me into the car and sent me to the doctor.
I felt like a total spaz. I showed the doctor my bug bites. All of them. I told her the whole story. I made it as dramatic as possible. I asked her if she thought I had poisonous bed bugs.
Doctor: No. Those are clearly not bed bug bites.
Eli: Ohthankthegoodlord.
Doctor: We ran some tests though and you appear to have an abnormally large heart.
Doctor: I'm serious.
Eli: Me too.
Doctor: And I'm very concerned about the fainting spells. Do you have any stress in your life right now?
Eli: Not really.
Doctor: None?
Eli: I can't think of anything.
Doctor: What do you do for a living?
Eli: I'm an exotic dancer.
Doctor: Your file says you're an attorney.
Doctor: Do you ever work late.
Eli: Uh . . .
Doctor: Is your job demanding?
Eli: Not really.
Doctor: Is that why you've been responding to emails during this entire conversation?
Eli: Sorry? Did you say something?
Doctor: Do you deal with heavy subjects at work?
Eli: Well . . . a lot of child sex abuse. But not really besides that.
Doctor: Do you have any big events coming up in your life?
Eli: Uh . . .
Doctor: Are you exercising excessively?
Eli: Uh . . .
Doctor: Any social turmoil of late?
Eli: Uh . . .
Doctor: These things are all stress. And I think you may be losing control.
Eli: Can we just go back to the part where you told me that I don't have bed bugs?
Anyway. Dr. Thang told me that I need to have all of these special alien heart tests done next week because she basically thinks I'm on my deathbed. And I wasn't going to do them but then I called Bob and Cathie and they basically scream-lectured me into submission. So now I'm trying to stay calm so I don't die from panicking about tests that I think are supposed to assess my ability to stay calm.
~It Just Gets Stranger
P.S. Fine. Here are some pictures for you. So don't be mad.
I don't know what I was thinking. |
Ms. Hannah Rose. |
With Ms. Hannah Rose at Lagoon. |
![]() |
Tami wanted to take a selfie together. |
Eli!!! This is not better!!! You have ironman in days? DAYS! And what does your enlarged heart have to do with the itchy bite marks???!?!!????!? You forgot the most important part of the story!!! I'm coming over right now. Only I don't know which apartment is yours... Only which building so if you hear people screaming at the maniac banging on all the doors looking for Eli, the large hearted, please come out and let me in. Don't die!!!
ReplyDeleteMy mom freaked me out when she said the 30s are when you start finding out wrong things in your body. !!!!!!! It's true. It's like I've been dying the last 3.5 years.
ReplyDeletePs. I've had heart tests. My nurse auntie says they can't make money off you until something big goes wrong. So I figure I'm good for a few more years. Maybe? Right??
Eli! You can't die! This blog is going to be one of the few things that gets me through university! But seriously, get better, get a smaller heart, rest a bit.
ReplyDeleteELI! WHY ARE YOU RIDING THE QUEEN OF COLORS!?!?! Don't you realize her evil has cursed you and caused you all this stress and an enlarged heart?! C'mon, you know what unspeakable evil she's capable of!
ReplyDeleteYour hair looks fabulous, by the way.
ReplyDeleteOr hives....from stress.
DeleteI second the shingles and hives, but another possibility that pops into my head is a tick. If left alone they can do some major damage...
DeleteHave you seen the new Life Alert commercial? The first half is dark and terrifying, and the second half is exactly the same as it was 20 years ago. I immediately thought of this when I read your story. You totally need this product.
Everyone sing along :
ReplyDeleteEli Eli Eli
You are so funny
When I think of Strangers
It makes me so happy!
Sing with friends or strangers in a round like row row row your boat until you pass out.
Eli. I will restrain myself from lecturing you on stress and sickness - you have a sister who is a nurse who can do that, and Bob and Cathie, who undoubtably pray for you daily. In all seriousness though, I hope everything is okay for you. And that you are able to offload some of this stress. Maybe the Iron Man isn't the best option for you right now? Please take care of yourself! You have thousands of Strangers worried about you now!
ReplyDeleteAwww. It's probably just hives. When my stepmom died I got them all over my body.
ReplyDeleteI hope all your tests come back ok. Take it easy.
Tammy looks shiny today.
Please take care of yourself. I'm praying for good results!
ReplyDeleteOkay, now you really need a regular doctor. Stress and a big heart are no joke. My coworker is in a 3 week inpatient treatment center for stress right now because she started passing out like this.
ReplyDeleteEli, as your adoptive semi- Jewish mother, you know what I am going to say. 1. Oy vey ist mir. 2. Yes, your extended hours at your law firm, plus your training for the Ironman, plus the fact that you are fragile wildflower could very well be making you ill. 3. You know all this. 4. So maybe you need to ask yourself why you're pushing yourself so hard. Not to be all Barbra Streisand in The Prince of Tides, but all this running and driving yourself...do you feel like you're, well, running FROM something? Would it be so bad if you, like, stopped, for a minute and examined what that's all about? Sometimes it takes more self-discipline to stop doing everything and look around you than it does to, OH I DON'T KNOW, RUN A TRIATHLON. Love, your Jewish Mamaleh PS Chicken soup really couldn't hurt. I'm just putting that out there.
ReplyDeleteThere is wisdom in mama's words. Just sayin'....
DeleteOMG! Eli don't scare us like this! Did you even think of us when you posted this?? If you die, I swear to God I will kill you! Does someone need to start a Kickstarter to cover your funeral costs? I am PANICKING here.
ReplyDeleteI had a former co-worker who was 29 years old when the following thing happened to her. She was happily married with one son. One morning she woke up and her husband was dead, right there in bed next to her. The autopsy revealed that he had an unusually large heart. That was the only thing wrong with him. I don't know if he was under a lot of stress or not. I hope this doesn't happen to you! I will put your name on every prayer roll I see.
ReplyDeleteWell NOW I can't relax!!!
DeleteI hope Julie forgot to mention that her 29 year old co-worker was married to an 80 year old man.
DeleteComment win goes to anonymous
DeleteThe famous racehorse Secretariat had an enlarged heart, discovered after he died. It was twice the normal size. He was the only horse in history to run the Kentucky Derby in under two minutes. So your heart could kill you, or you could be the next human Secretariat. HUH.
ReplyDeleteEli, I will be praying for you. Do not blow those tests off. This is a serious condition. I won't go into any horror stories, as I see other people have covered that already. But, please take it seriously and do what you need to do to get better.
ReplyDeleteMaybe your skin condition was a blessing in disguise. You will be in my prayers!
ReplyDeleteOh man. Some people will do ANYTHING for attention. Even go and get enlarged hearts....
ReplyDeleteHope everything turns out okay, friend!
DeleteHey fellow fainting goat!
ReplyDeleteThat's what my family so endearingly calls me. Turns out fainting goats are a real thing (watch https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=AnVv0RkiG4U). So are fainting humans. YOU ARE NOT ALONE! I used to faint all the time. After a bad concussion from fainting while getting out of a truck, I was ordered to get some heart testing done. They found a tiny hole in my heart/ heart arrhythmia. There wasn't much to be done, and I was told just to live with it. BUT I did find a solution for my fainting issue. Peppermint oil. Weird, I know. Its a vasovagal dilator. You faint when your blood vessels constrict, not allowing enough blood to get to your brain. Peppermint oil naturally dilates your blood vessels so they dont constrict to much. I just smell it and put some on my neck/ base of my brain when Im feeling light-headed. Works like a charm, I haven't fainted in a year. You can buy it online at www.mydoterra.com/puremeds. For sure you still need to get your heart checked out though. Best of luck with the testing!! Have you had the saline echo test yet? It was my favorite. Super fascinating.
IF anything should happen to you, and of course we are all praying that nothing does, I want you to rest easy in the knowledge that I will take in Casper. I know you have much higher hopes/aspirations for the girls and couldn't let them go with someone like me. But since you don't really care about Casper, I'll be good enough for him. He's always been my favorite anyway, you know. Middle child syndrome and all that.
ReplyDeleteLeotrix is on his own, however.
Kjax, I wouldn't dream of leaving Casper with anyone else.
DeleteFortify, on the other hand, has already been claimed by Jolyn.
Too bad the Grinch only taught us how to enlarge a heart, and not how to shrink one.
ReplyDeleteWell, if the Grinch's heart grew 3 sizes that day because he gave all the Whos back everything he stole and became their friend, maybe Eli could go on a Who burglary spree and keep everything and his heart would shrink 2 sizes.
DeleteHaha, this ^.
DeletePraying for you
ReplyDeleteSo not that this really helps with your enlarged heart, but it's still a really interesting take on stress!!! Hope everything works out for you!!
Oh dear! I hope everything is okay. I swear when I turned 30 I started falling apart, but it was all very odd things. Like, I found out I had a hole in my cornea. Good luck with everything, and for heaven's sake, TAKE CARE OF YOURSELF!
ReplyDeleteDid you read the side effects of Sweatblock? Is one of them exploding heart??
ReplyDeleteEli, I hope everything turns out okay and I'm glad you've got good friends who take care of you. I really am. Thank you for telling us this, too, because you don't tell us everything, but this... this is important to us.
I can't help but glare at the computer every time I see a picture of Tami! Like, even as a dancer who's seen several lost toenails over the years (tip: if there's going to be lots of pressure/friction, TRIM YOUR TOENAILS SHORT.), SHE'S SO GROSS. I don't care if that goes against the "real women" ideals of today! >.< ACK!
Okay, Eli, the nurse in me is at full attention and I'm anxiously awaiting your follow-up post with the results of these tests! In the meantime, if you need someone to nurse you back to health, and take care of you and your too-big heart, I would love to come to your aid ...or ya know, be your personal nurse (aka, wife) for the rest of forever, I can fill that job description, too... ;-)
ReplyDeleteSo, I read this post, and then sometime this weekend I had a dream that you had quit your lawyer job due to stress and had become a professional storyteller/comedian and were loving your life and thanking all of the Strangers for making this possible and there were hearts falling down the screen on your website (you know like it was 2004 or something) to express your undying love. Then I had to come back and re-read this to make sure I actually dreamed that.
ReplyDeleteANYWAY. As an open heart surgery survivor, I believe in modern medicine! It's amazing! They can really save hearts and stuff these days!!! But I also believe in all that crazy LDS stuff too, so you'll be in my prayers. Hope all goes well!
What the heck, man!?!? Don't do your race! Ryan's friend Stephen Shay from the BYU XC team had his brother die in a marathon (Ryan Shay) - cause: enlarged heart. He just keeled over. His is serious stuff!
DeleteEli! You haven't spoken to us for FOUR DAYS! Are you dead?! DON'T BE DEAD, ELI! Your Strangers need you!
ReplyDeleteI once shared a "funny" story with my mother about choking on an almond in my apartment and my attempts to survive on my own....yeah, these Life Alert necklaces are kinda pretty, aren't they?
ReplyDeleteI felt bad/worried for you AND THEN THERE WAS THE TOE AGAIN.