Thursday, February 18, 2016

Pictures from my Phone & Weekly Distractions

So I made a joke earlier this week about making t-shirts and a bunch of you actually seemed interested in this so I learned how to use the Internets and created a very scientific poll at the top right of your screen for you to vote on your favorites among those discussed in the comments. I may try to force Matt to design some of the more popular ideas. I'll try to bribe him with cheesecake. AND GOOD COMPANY. You can select multiple answers, so please take a second and do that.

I have been asking so much of you lately!

And now, your Pictures & Distractions:
How I spent my Valentine weekend. Hashtag mud mask. Hashtag loneliness. Hashtag nudity. Hashtag NSFW. Hashtag NSFL. 

Wandering the State Capitol Building after an evening hearing.

Annie and I are reprising our roles as late-night work buddies, something we regularly did in law school together. Except now it's for an actual case, and Annie is juggling two sick babies while I look on with a new level of respect for this amazing working mom whose life has changed so much since I first met her 8 years ago.

Mr. Scraps smells chicken!

I couldn't get Mr. Scraps to be interested in Survivor once he found Mr. Pants's bone. Also, Wade is showing a lot of leg in the background.
Stranger Picture of the Week
Georgia found this and asked if it was true. I told her that the Queen of Colors has some very powerful lobbyists in Utah so I wouldn't be surprised. 

Crap to distract you from whatever you're supposed to be doing:

Survivor is back! Here's my recap at TV & Jelly (also be sure to check out Meg's hysterical recaps of the Bachelor).

Chicken vortex. Thanks, Cara.

Birds with human arms. Thanks, Sandra.

Because Dean Strang. Thanks, Heather.

Please. For my birthday. Thank you. Thanks, Sherry.

15 cats that have better fashion than you. Thanks, Sarah.

Nicholas Cage family picture. Thanks, Trisha.

Look out June Snapple. Thanks, Elizabeth.

Speaking of June Snapple. Thanks, Mette.

Kazoo. What the crap did I just watch twice. Thanks, Ellica.

Please follow us on the Facebooks and find me on Instagram at eliwmccann. I also Tweet sometimes now. So stop yelling at me.

If you would like to have something included on Pictures & Distractions, please email me at

~It Just Gets Stranger


  1. so... my work has youtube blocked...

    i'm not sure how i'm able to view the kazoo video right now, but i'm disturbed. i'm thinking the video has made a deal with the devil or something. that's the only logical explanation.

  2. The kazoo kid looks almost exactly like my brother Jim, circa 1986. Um, "once down the sid" who the heck is sid? And in other news, Eli you may not want to see this, Glee is coming to Utah:

    1. The kid reminded me of the youngest kid in the tv series "Home Improvement."

  3. And you OBVIOUSLY need to start emailing Renae Plant, like yesterday.

    1. And by you she means you as June Snapple wanting to be besties with that momster.

    2. Best. Idea. Ever.

    3. YES!! She would totally fall for it.

      Although you might want to go into extra deep cover. She might sue you if she found out it was a joke. For real.

  4. Could we do a stranger contest for t-shirt designs? That would save you and Matt some work, and be super cool. I like lots of the quotes, but I think that design or other aspects might sway me more towards one. For example, I think that "Then I guess this isn't even America anymore" could be extra funny if it said that on the back, and the front had a check list like "Did you get a parking ticket for saving a dog? Was your airplane late?" etc, with actual instances from your blog.

    1. I adore this idea. I fell like "this isn't even America anymore" ALL THE TIME!

  5. Replies
    1. Agreed! The contrast in colors plus the architecture just make it candy to my mind.

  6. #team12thcousin!

    I've used Customink to make a lot of hoodies before & had a really good experience. You could take orders for whatever option(s) people like, then order them all at once.

  7. You've never told us that you work at the Ministry of Magic!!!! How in the world do you get any work done?!!!

  8. you also need t-shirts that say...
    because... paul simon
    and something to do with one of June Snapples children...

  9. I voted for ALL the shirts... Do I get a group discount?


      I want to be hugged by Chewbacca!

    2. I think that is Harry from Harry and the Hendersons. Maybe?

  10. I'm terribly disappointed that there is no t-shirt voting option for "What if Paul Simon?!?"

  11. That kazoo video slayed me. The comments made it even better... Hilda is the best part.

  12. I'm going to need that "I guess this isn't even America anymore" shirt for the upcoming Trump presidency.

    1. All my votes here. (We get more than one vote...right? 12 cousin, thrice removed.)

  13. For your colleague Annie. RESPECT.
